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Enemy troops vanishing / reapering in Neighbours City

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 1:36 am
by Sylmaril
So with at least two of my neighbour, the two biggest War I've been into this Life, troops in their city have been vanishing / reapering for no apparent reason. Maybe the troo[s disapear while they are offline? Or while they are traing them? Maybe they reappear while they are online?

I mean the "??" indicatiing some kind of troops of that type are present in the city. Can't say wheter 0r not it happent with the trops in Territory and/or Generals.

Another neighbour who I was messaging told me he was seing the same troops vanish / reapear at the same time as me.

Back to Netflix I go ;oP

P.S.: Unrelated but one of my Vassal told me he was game over because his gold was at -4K, due to having too much troops he couldn't afford to pay the upkeep for. I can't confirm at the moment, but back in the days troops used to die when the upkeep couldn't be paid. No idea if that changed or not. Just thought I'd let you know.

Re: Enemy troops vanishing / reapering in Neighbours City

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2018 12:40 am
by Gabriel
The troops vanishing is weird... are you sure there was no general on that city? If that is the case, I'd like if you could give me a player name.

And yeah troops not dying at minus gold is something that should be integrated in the game as soon as possible. It's not at this moment.

Re: Enemy troops vanishing / reapering in Neighbours City

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2018 2:23 pm
by Sylmaril
Marooker Marook was the first one I saw vanishing troops happen, we were at war at the time. Felt like he has massive amount of troops.
YT skynuage I've been at war for almost a week now. After I gave him a beating while defending a territory, I didn't see any activity on his part until right now. Beside some cqtas that appeared then disapeared after 20-30m last weekend, he had none. Last night he still had none. Now this morning he has an army with 3 didgit of em lol... o.O
Maybe there's a visual bug or there a way to duplicate troops without the use of gems. Both did feel like they had more troops than they should have -.-

Re: Enemy troops vanishing / reapering in Neighbours City

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2018 3:18 pm
by Gabriel
Ok thx. I'll take a look at that.